Wednesday, February 13, 2008

valentine's day eve

It snowed through the night and today there has been freezing rain all day- lunch was slow but everyone was in need of dry socks and a few people couldn't stay awake (even while eating their meals or making phone calls). In part maybe due to the weather, but also because of the drugs that some of them use.

I'm about to go to the afterschool program that's part of our nonprofit to help the kids make placemats and decorations for lunch tomorrow. There is a fancy luncheon at a nice hotel downtown for the launch of the nonprofit's new name, but I decided I'd rather stay at the meal program with my clients. In the morning I'm going to decorate the tables and put out candy, and we're going to hand out toiletry kits and chocolate cake with pink frosting for dessert. I know a lot of people dislike Valentine's Day, but I always love it and I'm really excited for it!

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