Friday, February 8, 2008

clients and immigrants

I'm ready for the week to be over! I'm glad it's Friday. This week has been stressful, between the client who got worked up when I told him I couldn't give him a transportation request if he does get an SSI check each month but admitted he spends the whole thing on crack, and another who every day spares no details about the cancer that spread from his colon to his stomach to his testicles, and two women who are trying to recover from their addictions but whose time is up at their rehabilitation women's shelter and all of the other women's shelters in the area are full. I'm looking forward to just relaxing this weekend, making Valentines with senior citizens tomorrow morning, and picking out a special dessert for Sunday (I gave up junk food for lent! I'm thinking of going to Little Italy for a cannoli).

We saw Obama speak at the Hartford Civic Center and were so close to the stage! We even shook his hand and I took lots of pictures. It was wonderful to hear him speak and while I respect everyone's different political opinions, my personal opinion is that I'm keeping my fingers crossed for his nomination because I really like him so much. It's such an exciting year and it's cool that there's something almost everyone talks about- my co-workers, my clients, my housemates, strangers on the street, and so on.

Then two nights ago, Rachel, Beth and I went to Danbury (it's about an hour away from Hartford) for a rally protesting the passing of 287g, which would essentially have the police working for ICE and give them the authority to invade the privacy of those who have an insecure resident status. Again, I respect the different opinions about the immigration topic. And I've realized that it is a huge hot button issue- it seems like the bottom line is that a lot of people are scared. They're scared of immigrants taking their jobs, raising the crime rate, replacing their cultures, and sending the message that our country is the land of opportunity for anyone, not just legal citizens. I can understand these fears, but personally I wish those who are already here would be granted amnesty. 287g was passed with an overwhelming majority (19-2) and I understand why it was, but I'm afraid that now the over 10,000 illegal immigrants in Danbury will be scared to report crime or anything else to the cops. I know that some might say they deserve to be scared because after all they came here illegally, but in my mind I feel like the problem already exists and there are more compassionate ways to deal with it. Just like I feel that the homeless and substance abusers exist and being angry that they exist doesn't help the problem at all.

Even though 287g was passed, I'm so glad I went to the rally. There were over two thousand Hispanic residents of Danbury there, with signs and American flags, and the energy was so great. People thanked us and you could tell it meant a lot to them to have the support of young, white Americans who they normally wouldn't expect to care about their well-being.

Anyway! It's a heavy topic. Right now I'm just looking forward to going out for coffee with some co-workers, and then going home early and hiding from the snow!

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